Bruce Yankner
Harvard Medical School
77 Avenue Louis Pasteur
Boston, MA 02115
Ph: 617-432-6800; Fax: 617-432-6825
Email: bruce_yankner at
Saba Hazaveh, Staff Assistant
Harvard Medical School
77 Avenue Louis Pasteur
Boston, MA 02115
Ph: 617-432-6799; Fax: 617-432-6825
Email: saba_hazaveh at
Monlan Yuan, Lab Manager
Harvard Medical School
77 Avenue Louis Pasteur
Boston, MA 02115
Ph: 617-432-6798; Fax: 617-432-6825
Email: monlan_yuan at
General directions:
From South of Boston
Take I-93 North to exit 26 (Cambridge/Storrow Drive). Keep left at the end of ramp and take underpass to Storrow Drive. Follow Storrow Drive approximately 2.5 miles to Kenmore Square exit (on left). Bear right at end of exit ramp into Kenmore Square. Take leftmost fork at intersection onto Brookline Avenue. Follow Brookline Avenue approximately 2 miles (Beth Israel Hospital will be on left) until Longwood Avenue. Take left on Longwood Avenue and follow approximately ¼ mile. Take left onto Avenue Louis Pasteur. The New Research Building is on left.
From West of Boston
Take I-90 East (Massachusetts Turnpike) to exit 18 (Cambridge/Allston). Bear right after toll booth at end of exit ramp. Turn right after lights (before the bridge) onto Storrow Drive. Follow Storrow Drive (about one mile) to Kenmore Square exit. Bear right at end of exit ramp into Kenmore Square. Take leftmost fork at intersection onto Brookline Avenue. Follow Brookline Avenue approximately 2 miles (Beth Israel Hospital will be on left). until Longwood Avenue. Take left on Longwood Avenue and follow approximately ¼ mile. Take left onto Avenue Louis Pasteur. The New Research Building is on left.
From North of Boston
Take I-93 South to exit 26 (Storrow Drive/North Station). Keep left at end of ramp and take underpass to Storrow Drive. Follow Storrow Drive approximately 2.5 miles to Kenmore Square exit (on left). Bear right at end of exit ramp into Kenmore Square. Take leftmost fork at intersection onto Brookline Avenue. Follow Brookline Avenue approximately 2 miles (Beth Israel Hospital will be on the left) until Longwood Avenue. Take left on Longwood Avenue and follow approximately ¼ mile. Take left onto Avenue Louis Pasteur. The New Research Building is on left.
From Logan Airport
Take Rte. 1A South through Sumner Tunnel after leaving Logan Airport. Watch for detour signs that periodically direct traffic north before allowing access to Rte. 1A South. After tunnel, turn right onto I-93 N. Follow I-93 N about 1/4 mile to exit 26 (Cambridge/ Storrow Drive). Keep left at end of ramp and take underpass to Storrow Drive. Follow Storrow Drive approximately 2.5 miles to Kenmore Square exit ( on left). Bear right at end of exit ramp into Kenmore Square. Take leftmost fork at intersection onto Brookline Avenue. Follow Brookline Avenue approximately 2 miles (Beth Israel Hospital will be on left) until Longwood Avenue. Take left on Longwood Avenue and follow approximately ¼ mile. Take left onto Avenue Louis Pasteur. The New Research Buildingis on left.
D Line Subway
Take train to Longwood Station. From station, turn left on to Chapel Street and walk up short hill to Longwood Avenue. Turn left on to Longwood Avenue. Follow until Avenue Louis Pasteur and take left. The New Research Building is on left (about a 15 minute walk from the Longwood Station).
E Line Subway
Take train to Longwood Medical Area Station. From stop, proceed down Longwood Avenue towards the hospitals. Take right onto Avenue Louis Pasteur. The New Research Building is located on the left (about a 10 minute walk from the Longwood Medical Area Station).
47 Bus
Central Square, Cambridge - Albany St. Via South End Medical Area, Dudley Station & Longwood Medical Area
Exit bus in front of Children's Hospital. Proceed down Longwood Avenue (towards Harvard Medical School) and take left on Avenue Louis Pasteur. The New Research Building is located on the left.
CT2 Bus
Kendall Square Station - Ruggles Station Via Longwood Medical Area Exit bus in front of Children's Hospital. Proceed down Longwood Avenue (towards Harvard Medical School) and take left on Avenue Louis Pasteur. The New Research Building is located on the left.
8A Bus
Dudley Station - Kenmore Station Via Longwood Medical Area Exit bus in front of Children's Hospital. Proceed down Longwood Avenue (towards Harvard Medical School) and take left on Avenue Louis Pasteur. The New Research Building is located on the left.